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Supermaly Gas Generator

    Supermaly Brand of Natural Gas Gensets Main Technical Specifications:

    Rated Power
    Standby Power
    Gas Consumption
    Oil Consumption
    Alternator Model Dimention
    Net Weight
    SPT10GF 10/12.5 11/13.75 SP4M1D 4.L 80x90 0.36 2 PI044F 1600x650x1250 470
    SPT15GF 15/18.75 16.5/20.6 SP4B1D 4.L 90x100 0.36 2 PI144D 1600x650x1250 520
    SPT20GF 20/25 22/27.5 SP4100D 4.L 100x115 0.36 2 PI144E 2000x730x1320 620
    SPT25GF 25/31.25 27.5/34.4 SP4D1D 4.L 102x115 0.36 2 PI144G 2000x730x1320 700
    SPT30GF 30/37.5 33/41.25 SP4105DT 4.L 105x125 0.36 2 PI144J 2100x730x1320 760
    SPT40GF 40/50 44/55 SP4D3D 4.L 102x118 0.35 2 UCI224D 2480x800x1320 1200
    SPT50GF 50/62.5 55/68.75 SP6105DT 6.L 105x130 0.35 2 UCI224E 2500x800x1320 1250
    SPT70GF 70/87.5 77/96.25 SP6105ADT 6.L 105x130 0.34 2 UCI224G 2550x1010x1430 2410
    SPT90GF 90/112.5 99/123.75 SP6JN 6.L 103x113 0.34 2 UCI274D 2550x1010x1470 2530
    SPT100GF 100/125 110/137.5 SP150D15 6.L 140x160 0.34 1.5 UCI274D 2600x1200x1800 2560
    SPT120GF 120/150 132/165 SP615D-1 6.L 126x130 0.33 1.5 UCI274F 2700x1010x1470 2600
    SPT150GF 150/187.5 165/206 SP6MKN 6.L 123x145 0.32 1.5 UCI274H 3060x1350x1790 3200
    SPT200GF 200/250 220/275 SP269TD35 12.V 138x150 0.32 1.5 UCD274K 3060x1350x1790 3300
    SPT250GF 250/312.5 275/343.75 SP269TAD38 12.V 138x150 0.32 1.5 HCI444D 3160x1450x1950 3400
    SPT300GF 300/375 330/412.5 SP6TN 6.L 145x165 0.32 1.5 HCI444FS 3000x1240x1820 3500
    SPT400GF 400/500 440/550 SP12V190DT 12.V 190x210 0.31 2 HCI544C 4600x2040x2210 10700
    SPT500GF 500/625 550/687.5 SP12V190ZDT 12.V 190x210 0.31 2 HCI544FS 4820x2040x2780 12000
    SPT700GF 700/875 770/962.5 SPA12V190ZLDT 12.V 190x210 0.3 2 HCI634H 5120x2040x2250 11800
    SPT1000GF 1000/1250 1100/1375 SP16V190ZLT1 16.V 190x210 0.3 2 PI734A 6710x2110x3000 32300

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Demand Power(KW)

  • 10KW
  • 20KW
  • 30KW
  • 50KW
  • 80KW
  • 100KW
  • 150KW
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  • 250KW
  • 300KW